The phrases posted by others are enlightening, touching, amusing. In the spirit of thankfulness, I will print what others have written, covering the gamut of our human condition. It says a lot about who we are.
What are you thankful for? Anything in parentheses () is my comment as an elaboration:
- Leg day over!! (workout focused hardcore on the legs)
- My health
- Jim
- My girls! One firecracker & one sourpatch!
- That I don’t live in Ukraine, Haiti, the Middle East, Venezuela
- Trump
- Immigrants
- The WAC
- My family
- My health
- My dad’s salsa – GOOD (written in a strange form of hieroglyphics)
- Healthy and family
- Chocolate!
- Leaked feet pics
- My CN (don’t know what that is)
- God (followed by a cross)
- Cancer free for 3 years!
- My kids
- 4eva (In think that means “forever”)
- My bike
- My health (seems to be a favorite)
- My family (heart) X2 (times two, I think)
- The best GFM in the biz! (no idea what GFM stands for)
- Hot dog pickles! Our cats Lucy + Henry
- Doggos (followed by smiley face)
- Family (with a heart and cat face)
- My health
- Fightin’
- Sweet (heart) potatoes
- Myself, for never giving up + always staying true to who I am
- Tyler Van ….., trainer extraordinaire and now he’s a dad; maybe he’ll be nicer during training
- Palestine (with six heart signs)
- MHBE? (I’m a question mark on this, too)
- Family
- FI (????? Financial independence maybe?)
- The gym
- Disney, Disney (with bad drawings of Mickey Mouse)
- My health
- The life I’ve been gifted allows me time to try and make a difference in others!
- Kids, granddaughter
- Navados here (I’m assuming a Spanish phrase?)
- Stable income
- Monday morning Body Pump Warriors !!! (Triple exclamation points; must be intense)
- Dual nationality
- Bianca
- My granddaughter (REALLY BAD handwriting)
- My health
- Cheese! (my personal favorite and it made me LOL while I was stretching)
- Food
- Wrestling season + my boyfriend
- Coach WK
- The love of my life (with a heart)
- My family
- My clients, my job, the WAC community, and of course my family + health and kickass energy (lots of hearts and smiley faces)
- Workout buddies
- My health and my relationship with Jesus Christ
- My health
- The game MOUTHWASHING (no clue what this means -- small images drawn with the post that make no sense to me)
- My health
Thankful on Thanksgiving and throughout the year. Write yours down. Save it.