The English language (regardless of the country using it) is rich when it comes to the subtle tone of words. For the newcomer to the language, that can make understanding words and the meaning of sentences difficult sometimes. But for the writer it offers an opportunity – you can send the reader down a different path depending on the shade of the word you employ, and how you apply it.
Today’s world urges you to write, think and voice opinions swiftly. Resist the urge. If you follow it, you hit the boredom button, employing repetitious phrases that mean nothing. Your readers flee.
Instead, take some extra time. Pick a word here and there and find something new that makes your memo, report, email or blog more original.
Here’s something I’ve done the past several years. As I write, I think to myself, “Boy, I’ve heard that before,” or, “That sounds like someone has written something similar a million times. What can I change? What can I do differently?”
Frequently, what’s necessary is to change a word, make the sentence active instead of passive or add a juicy adjective. None of this is hard. But it takes diligence.
Respect the words you use and what they bring to your communications. They’ll respect you back.
Today’s world urges you to write, think and voice opinions swiftly. Resist the urge. If you follow it, you hit the boredom button, employing repetitious phrases that mean nothing. Your readers flee.
Instead, take some extra time. Pick a word here and there and find something new that makes your memo, report, email or blog more original.
Here’s something I’ve done the past several years. As I write, I think to myself, “Boy, I’ve heard that before,” or, “That sounds like someone has written something similar a million times. What can I change? What can I do differently?”
Frequently, what’s necessary is to change a word, make the sentence active instead of passive or add a juicy adjective. None of this is hard. But it takes diligence.
Respect the words you use and what they bring to your communications. They’ll respect you back.