What do you do when you get a creative idea to solve a problem? Do you start thinking about it, shaping it in your mind, massaging the solution in different ways to see where it would take you? I do. The mind does strange things. You fantasize, hope, project, and build. Suddenly you are far away from your initial thought.
This is good. It’s also how the mind operates. How do you capture those important ideas without losing your core concept? Do you let important thoughts evaporate? Do you write them down? If you don’t write them down, you should.
There are many ways to capture your creative impulse when you mind goes into problem-solving mode, but one of the best is the old fashioned way of taking notes. First, putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard or fingertip to smart phone) forces you to summarize and capture the key points. You can’t write EVERYTHING down your mind is thinking because the brain impulses are far too vast. So write down the 3-5 main points in your thought process. You can go back later and refine it. Having it down on paper or your computer screen or smart phone will jog your memory and get you editing, adding and subtracting when the time is right. The important thing is to commit your initial thoughts.
Second, writing your idea down commits you to it. The idea gains importance through the process of putting it in words. That means you are far more likely to do something with it.
Third, you establish a blueprint when you write your idea down. The process of writing forces you to think through what you are going to do with the idea. That germinates the seed for a more thorough plan, establishing a path for you and your business to follow.
Write your ideas down. Keep them short. Go from Point A to Point B and put down what the end point is, and how you’ll get there. You’ll be far more likely to get there if you have it down on paper. Don’t just think about it, write it!
This is good. It’s also how the mind operates. How do you capture those important ideas without losing your core concept? Do you let important thoughts evaporate? Do you write them down? If you don’t write them down, you should.
There are many ways to capture your creative impulse when you mind goes into problem-solving mode, but one of the best is the old fashioned way of taking notes. First, putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard or fingertip to smart phone) forces you to summarize and capture the key points. You can’t write EVERYTHING down your mind is thinking because the brain impulses are far too vast. So write down the 3-5 main points in your thought process. You can go back later and refine it. Having it down on paper or your computer screen or smart phone will jog your memory and get you editing, adding and subtracting when the time is right. The important thing is to commit your initial thoughts.
Second, writing your idea down commits you to it. The idea gains importance through the process of putting it in words. That means you are far more likely to do something with it.
Third, you establish a blueprint when you write your idea down. The process of writing forces you to think through what you are going to do with the idea. That germinates the seed for a more thorough plan, establishing a path for you and your business to follow.
Write your ideas down. Keep them short. Go from Point A to Point B and put down what the end point is, and how you’ll get there. You’ll be far more likely to get there if you have it down on paper. Don’t just think about it, write it!