But last week I made an awesome combo to share with you. If you have a Costco nearby, stop there and pick up their refrigerated barbecue pork package. You’ll also need a pound of elbow macaroni, 2 lbs. of shredded cheddar cheese, a yellow onion. Simple stuff.
Follow the directions on the pulled pork BBQ to heat it up. Chop up about half a yellow onion. Boil the mac.
When the pork is done, season with your favorite BBQ sauce. Here’s what makes it better to me: add yellow mustard to taste. It gives the sauce a bite, and lessens the sweetness. This is key. Stir it together and microwave.
Key to differentiating the mac and cheese is the onion. When the noodles are boiled, add the chopped up half onion and stir vigorously. Then slowly add a pound or more of the shredded cheese, continuing to stir. If it doesn’t all mix in, use the microwave to melt it more together.
When done, here’s the next curveball: I layered jalapeno peppers on my plate, then the BBQ, then the mac and cheese, and microwaved that for about a minute. To give it your special significance, choose something you like for that bottom layer. Perhaps it’s coleslaw. Maybe it’s collard greens. I don’t know. Try a veggie you like and see how it tastes.
The onion, cheese, BBQ, jalapeno mixture is pretty damn good. Try it.