Two weeks ago, I pulled together the following meal to provide that veggie and non-veggie option. As usual, I started off with a quick theft, and chose as the base two cans of Progresso Cream of Mushroom soup, rather than cooking a batch from scratch. While it warmed up, I sauteed a bag of spinach, half a chopped yellow onion and half a container of sliced mushrooms in butter. That alone smelled spectacular.
On the side, I microwaved six chicken sausages. When the veggie mixture was ready, I dumped that into the soup and let it congeal for ten minutes. Turned off the heat and served that batch to the vegetarians. Sliced the six sausages in half and put them in my bowl of soup. Done. Everyone’s happy.
Remember: There are quick and easy solutions to the problems we face. Don’t get bogged down.