Our next odyssey will include steak we indulged in to experience first-hand the rapid increase in beef prices that aren’t included in the nation’s inflation index. Not wanting to waste any of this expensive main course featured item, we saved about half of one cut.
That will be enough to serve as the base for a stir fry. What else lurks in the frig? Sugar snap peas, an onion, mushrooms. Pull them out, slice the steak thinly and sautee all of them together. Some A-1 or Heinz steak sauce can be sprinkled in to add some flavor.
Fry at a medium high heat together in very light oil, keep the crispness of the peas and soften the onions and you’ll know it’s ready. Serve with some rice that’s been in your pantry for months and waiting to join the right meal.
It will make a great stir fry. Deflect any compliments, “Aw, it was nothing,” because really, it was.