part, it’s kind of a special occasion when we
put together an egg dish. We don’t eat them for
breakfast. I don’t ever grab a fast food egg
burrito or sausage biscuit and egg. After months,
I salivate over the idea of putting together some egg
special for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Here it is.
Take a soft tortilla. Layer it with grated
cheese (Mexican cheeses or some cheddar mix) and jalapenos.
Nuke it for about a minute or a bit more, until
While this is going on, cook bacon the way
you like it. I like it more soft
than crunchy. Four strips. Set them
How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled? Sunny side
up? Cook three eggs they way you
like them. For me, it’s sunny side
up. After the cheese is
melted in the tortilla with the jalapenos
layer the four strips of bacon on top,
then the eggs. Roll it up. Cut in half.
Take a HUGE bite.
Chew slowly. Savor the combination.
It’ll make you appreciate eggs more
than you ever thought you could.