This past weekend, we watched our son run with his team in a cross country meet. Everyone was invited to stay afterwards and bring food for a short picnic before the young adults packed up and headed back to college.
My wife made brownies, a special formula that holds mini M&M’s as the unique ingredient. While at the picnic, I avoided her treat. Instead, I had two half sub sandwiches, one really good, the other consumed just because it was there. Chocolate chip cookies went down my throat as well.
Typically, my wife no longer makes desserts, with all our kids out of the house. When faced with a mix of sugary delights, they become harder to resist.
Even though I was good right after the meet, her two dishes of brownies weren’t finished. And the team did not take them on the bus. Guess where they went? Back to our house.
Getting home, I didn’t think much about the brownies. We’d eaten lunch a little after noon. We arrived home about 3. I was not hungry.
Dinner was light. A bit later I felt a slight hunger and wondered what we had to munch on. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the brownie pan got unwrapped and I dug into the chocolate squares.
I pounded several while watching TV, then sat satiated with a glazed look. I thought my fix was over.
Not so. Sunday morning I swam for my normal workout routine and came home for my typical fruit breakfast, walking by the brownie tray. Drinking a large glass of water after the fruit, I thought, “Hmmm, why am I still hungry this morning?” Was it temptation or did my stomach ache for something more?
I fought the urge. “No brownies for breakfast.” What could be the harm of eating one?
Peeling the lid off, there they sat, 10 large squares of chocolate goo and mini M&Ms. I selected a corner slice. It disappeared slowly, as I chewed to draw out the process, tasting each crumble as it rolled around my tongue. The green lid was placed back on the container to ensure no further consumption.
After polishing off number one, and thinking to myself, “hmmm, why am I still hungry?,” it became easier to pop the plastic top off a second time and dip into number two. That, too, disappeared slowly as I ate to ensure taste and hopefully to prevent number three from entering my digestive track.
As you’d expect, I was a failure in that goal, as my thought process went like this, “I’ll just skip lunch if I have a third brownie.” So I did and I did keep my lunch down to a banana and a few spoonfuls of peanut butter. I felt slightly righteous by the end of the day.
We stuff our faces for many reasons. Stress and boredom are the two main reasons we over-consume.
Sometimes you just need to eat. You crave it, so go for it. Don’t do it every day. You know what happens.
When the homemade brownies call your name, answer the call. Try to keep from eating that third one. It’s the killer.