There are some things around the house I enjoy cleaning. Mopping the floor is one of them. It’s like mowing the yard. A measure of the pleasure is looking at the results. In the case of mopping with Swiffer, you not only get the clean, but also a nice smell.
Mowing the yard is about the perfectly matched rows of clipped grass and the aroma of the shorn green stalks. Mmmmmmmm.
But, why Swiffer? Giving away my age, when I used to mop the floor during my single days (either living alone or sharing a place with roommates), there was the old mop, the bucket and Mr. Clean. You dumped the cleaner into a bucket of water, squeegeed the mop and went about slopping the tiles.
Dip and do it again. Dip and do it again. Watch the water get gray in the bucket. Try to decide if you need to dump the water when it gets so dirty that you figure you’re not even cleaning the floor anyway.
It was a process. Not with Swiffer.
You slap the saturated cleaner sheet onto the rectangular cleaning end of the mop and you’re ready to go. The sheet plugs easily into four plastic receptacles the grabs the sheet, adhering it so it doesn’t dislodge as you work. Start swishing.
It cleans, it picks up particles, the room starts to smell sweet. Pick up the bottom and check out how you’ve done. “Hmmm, not quite brown yet. I can get a few more pushes out of this one.”
As the liquid used in the Swiffer sheet loses its moisture, you know it. Look at where you’ve been cleaning. If it’s not wet, you know you’re getting to the end of that one and need to pull another sheet from the container and latch it on.
It’s not complicated. There’s no dirty bucket of water. There’s no squeezing the mop.
One “could” argue that you’re being less environmentally sensitive by using a product that must be disposed of afterwards, and that the scented sheets come in a plastic container. I wouldn’t disagree. We recycle the plastic container. The used sheets go to a landfill. But what about all the dirty water you used to have that you dumped down the drain with Mr. Clean’s forehead in it? That went down into your water supply. No wonder so many men have shaved heads today. Mr. Clean came to get them.
There is rarely a perfect environmental clean solution anyway. We are faced with “on the one hand this” and “the other hand that” many times in little ways we live our lives, and if we are thoughtful, we weigh the options and make the best decision for the planet.
In this case, the Swiffer Sweeper cleaning mop gets the nod for its convenience, speed and residual odor. And, one last thing – the damn cleaning head that holds the sheet is FLEXIBLE. It turns sideways. It slides into nooks and crannies. It shifts in directions easily like a hot sports car. You can’t beat it. It’s also lightweight. Easy to push around.
Okay, Swiffer, now you can call me for me endorsement. You can show me wiping our house clean, whistling the Maxwell House song as I go about my cleaning chore to prepare our place for the next onslaught of guests.